My rating: 5 of 5 stars
🚨 Tw (+18)🚨: Violencia gráfica, secuestro & venganza.
Trama: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tropes: Age gap, alpha male, enemies to lovers
Angst: 😱😱😱
Spice: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥📈
Se ha vuelto una de mis mejores lecturas del año
Sigo sin superar todas las emociones que este libro ha disparado en mi. Desde el año pasado vengo disfrutando de la pluma y el ingenio de V.F.Mason y ver todas las conexiones que ha logrado en esta dulogía hace que mi corazón se apachurre.
“Ah, you still show concern for your captor. Compassion is a virtue indeed. Too bad it has absolutely no value in our world.” He chuckles, although it lacks any humor. “I have to say I’m surprised something so pure came out of Lachlan.”
Sobre todo por aquellos personajes que ya había amado con locura 🥺 y que volverlos a reencontrar aquí solo reafirma lo bien construidos que han estado porque el perfil que les da la autora es único.
“As children, we read fairy tales about brave princes who would come and sweep us off our feet.” I blink at the abrupt change of subject. “We are taught that we should just wait, and they will arrive, saving us from whatever enemy we have. We just have to be patient.” She glances back at the horizon. “Then we grow up and realize that no one is perfect and life consists of choices we all made, making us responsible for our own happiness.” She looks at me, drilling her stare into me. “And then we fall in love, and it becomes even more messy.”En verdad, los giros en la novela han sido brutales pero debo de admitir que el último 36% del libro ha hecho que me deshidrate por todo lo que estaban pasando en esos capítulos. Ya no sabía dónde guardar mi ❤️.
“There are perfect love stories.” “Yes, love stories with imperfect people.”En verdad, este libro pienso tenerlo para navidad porque hay demasiadas frases y escenas que me han llegado al alma.
“Stop whining and get to work,” Dad speaks up, making me jump, and I look at him teary-eyed, but it doesn’t sway him. All the other dads left with their kids, so it’s just us, which sucks, because Uncle Arson can always be swayed. “I don’t want to, Daddy! I’m thirteen. Why do I need to know this?” I shake the lock. “Let me out! This is cruel.” Something flashes on his face, his usual gentleness toward me, but the harsh stare replaces it once more, making me swallow. “Get yourself out of the cage, Aileen. Learn that your survival depends on your own skills.” “But that’s the thing, Daddy. I don’t have any skills.” I lean on the bars. “Please save me, Daddy. You’ve always called me a princess, right? Well, those are saved by knights.” I’m really not even a confrontational type, and the idea of being alone in such a situation scares me. “Please.” “No.” He perches on the table and orders, “Pick up the pin and get yourself out.” “Why? I’m not good at this. I’m sorry I failed, Dad, and now you’re the only one who has a daughter who can’t pick a lock.” “I don’t care about that. You need to learn.” “Why?” “Because you are my daughter. You do not have the privilege of not knowing how to save yourself in any situation.”Y solo voy a decir atrévanse a conocer las historias de V.F Manson porque son un caleidoscopio de emociones que van a hacer que no dejes de pensar en sus personajes.
Más libros que he leído 😉
ResponderEliminarNo conocía a la autora, pero viendo lo mucho que te gustó, le echaré un ojo.
Un beso!