SPA(2): Lila Felix - Love & Skate

Hace unos días participamos del blog tour de Perchance de Lila Felix. Ahora les traigo el nuevo libro de la autora. Se llama Love & Skate y primero encontrarán la sinopsis del libro y luego un pequeño extracto =D 

On the rink she’s tough, she’s a leader, she’s fast and she’s the epitome of a rebellious girl. But Nellie’s been hurt, only once, but it was enough to make her look at life through different eyes and off the rink she’s a timid girl who loves with no pretenses.
A long time ago Owen Black was betrayed by the girl he thought he loved and the guy he called his best friend. The anguish set off a domino effect of negativity in his life and he never has fully recovered. He meets Nellie Forrester and thinks he can let it go for her.
But how can you love someone when the wounds from your past are still wide open?

En la pista de ella es dura, es líder, es rápida y es el epítome de una niña rebelde. Pero Nellie fue  herida, sólo una vez, pero fue suficiente para hacer que mire la vida con otros ojos y fuera de la pista es una chica tímida que ama sin pretensiones.
Hace mucho tiempo, Owen Black fue traicionado por la chica pensó que amaba y el chico al que llamaba su mejor amigo. La angustia provocó un efecto dominó de negatividad en su vida y nunca se ha recuperado completamente. Luego conoce a Nellie Forrester y piensa que puede dejarlo ir por ella.
Pero, ¿cómo puedes amar a alguien cuando las heridas de tu pasado están todavía abiertas?

I skated behind the team and had almost made it to the edge when a body slammed me from behind propelling me into someone else.  Then instead of immediately recovering, I ducked  my head because out of nowhere my team was on the perpetrator before she could get away.  The fight didn’t last long and no one wanted to get in trouble so it was broken up fairly quickly.
“Are you ok?” A very masculine, low voice said and the sound hummed against my face, which meant…
“Oh, sorry,” I said as I scrambled to get my face away from his chest.  “Are you ok?” he repeated himself.
“Look, I…” It was him, the gum guy.  I had been pummeled right into the chest of the guy that I had been fantasizing about for a freakin’ week now.  What are the odds?
“Damn Owen, looks like a shitload of cotton candy just fell into your lap.”
He did not just say my hair looks like cotton candy.
I gave him my meanest glare. “Real original, douche bag.”

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