How it Rolls by Lila Felix - Blog Tour

Welcome to my stop on the How it rolls blog tour hosted by the fabulous Mandy from I read Indie for the awesome Lila Felix.  

Sorry for the delay, just get back from work and I see that I didn't programmed the entry.
But the wait it's over! We have an excerpt and is a conversation between Falcon and Nellie... Enjoy!

"Lo sé. Por cierto, tu nuevo empleado tiene que firmar papeles y llenar algunos formularios hoy. Así que me haces saber cuando llegue."

"¿Empleado?", Dijo y parecía confundida.

"Decía Reed Wolfe, yo asumí que era un chico."

"Hazme un favor Falcon, ve a la sala de inventario y dime si crees que es un hombre."

Me levanté y cogí la  estúpida aja de arranque conmigo y caminé la corta distancia hacia la sala de inventario. Vi a Huxley apilar libros en las estanterías y me dio una sonrisa tensa. Y luego a través de los libros en los estantes de metal, un destello de color naranja se movió a través de mi línea de visión. "Qué en el nombre de..."

Doblé la esquina y conseguí mi primera vista de lo que yo no lo llamaría un chico, de hecho, ella era todo lo contrario a un hombre en todos los sentidos de la palabra.


"I know. By the way, your new employee needs to sign paperwork and fill out some forms today.  So let me know when he gets in.”

“He?” She said and looked confused.

“It said Reed Wolfe, I just thought it was a guy.”

“Do me a favor Falcon, go into the inventory room and tell me if you think that’s a guy.”

I got up and took the stupid boot box with me and walked the short distance to the inventory room.  I saw Huxley stacking books on shelves and she gave me a tight smile.  And then through books on the metal shelves, a flash of orange moved across my line of vision.  “What in the name of…” 

I turned the corner and got my first glimpse of what I would call not a guy, in fact, she was the opposite of male in every sense of the word.

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Also you can find Lila Felix online: 

Have a nice day! :D Go and buy How it rolls!
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I'm off to see Beautiful Creatures (finally arrived!)

1 comentario:

¡Holi ^^! Que emoción que estes visitando “Living in your own world”. Nos encantaría saber tu opinión. Ni bien leamos tu comentario te responderemos.

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