Fat Chance by Brandi Kennedy

Welcome to my stop on the Fat Chance blog tour. 

Meet Cassaundra Keaton, an adult orphan raised in the foster system. She's overweight and struggling to survive in a world that makes her feel like she can never fit in. Follow her journey as she learns to trust and love herself, and watch her grow as she finds love. But will an issue from her past rise up to ruin her new life?

Conoce Cassaundra Keaton, una ya adulta huérfana criada en el sistema de adopción. Tiene sobrepeso y lucha por sobrevivir en un mundo que la hace sentir como si ella nunca puede encajar. Sigue su travesía a medida que aprende a confiar y amarse a sí misma, y ​​verla crecer así como cuando encuentra el amor. Pero, ¿un problema de su pasado regresará para arruinar su nueva vida?


This book was AWESOME. I think it's a story every woman would relate to specially in a society where it seems that appearance is everything. The main character, Cass, is a girl who has suffered much as a child, and now every day is a struggle for how it looks. 

The book starts slowly because we are introduce to Cassaundra's mind where we find that little voice who says those awful things about her and all you say is "Don't listen!" and want to go there and hug her. Then we are part of her journey when she realizes and accept she needs help for her own good and not to please others. And with that you can't stop reading until you relize it's almost over and you have happy tears for Cass achievements. 

All of the characters all well built, it really is a reflection of all the people you find throughout life (mean, loving, understanding) and helps you remember that the opinion that matters is yours and of those who love and support you. One of the best parts of this book is Cassandra's spirit and sense of humor, the relationships she have with the people she lets get close.  

When you finish this book this is the message that stays:

"Every woman has vulnerabilities, things we saw as flaws when they're not, they're what makes us uniques. And if you don't see them like that, the others won't either."

 Brandi, thank you for this book. *group hug* 


Este libro es increíble. Es una historia con la que cualquier mujer se identificará. La protagonista, Cass, es una chica que ha sufrido mucho de pequeña y que cada día es una lucha con su imagen.

El libro empieza lento porque nos presentan la mente de Cassaundra, donde está la vocecita (que casi todas tenemos) que siempre trata de hacernos ver defectos donde no hay. Pero en el caso de Cass, siempre la escucha al punto que uno quiere entrar al libro y decirle "¡No la escuches!" y abrazarla. Después de eso, somos parte del viaje que emprende cuando se da cuenta y acepta que necesita ayuda no para complacer y agradar a los demás sino por su propio bien. Y con eso el libro se vuelve ligero hasta que cuando ya estás llegando al final no quieres despedirte y estás llorando lágrimas de felicidad por todos sus logros.

Todos los personajes están bien construidos y a mi parecer representan todas las personas con las que te encontrarás a lo largo de tu vida y te hace recordar que las opiniones que más importan son la tuya y la de aquellos que te aman. Una de las mejores cosas del libro es el espíritu y sentido del humor de Cass así como la relación que tiene con las personas a las que deja entrar. 

Cuando terminas el libro este es el mensaje que te queda: 
"Toda mujer es vulnerable y a veces ve algunas cosas como defectos cuando son lo que las hace únicas. Y si tu no las ves, no puedes hacer que otros lo vean." 

 Brandi, thank you for this book. *group hug*

And there is a GIVEAWAY:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Brandi Kennedy is a romance novelist whose work centers on the contemporary
set, sometimes with a playful twist of this or that as she toys with bits and pieces of other genres. She is the author of To Love A Selkie, which is a tragic romance with a twist of the fantasy element. She is also the author of the Kingsley Series, which is entirely contemporary and focuses on the romantic happenings of the fictional Kingsley family.

A woman of varied interests, Brandi loves photography, music of all kinds, knitting, crochet, and of course, mothering her two young daughters. Currently, she finds her home in the heart of Knoxville, Tennessee, among the mountains and the members of her extended family.

You can find out more about Brandi by visiting the following websites:


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