Royal Elite Epilogue (Royal Elite, #7)

Royal Elite Epilogue (Royal Elite, #7)Royal Elite Epilogue by Rina Kent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

⚠️Este libro se DEBE de leer al final de toda la serie de Royal Elite porque sino van a spoilearse todo

No me canso de leer los personajes de Rina

En verdad, este libro léanlo solo si han terminado toda la serie de Royal Elite porque es un recopilado de todos los spin-off más dos últimos que amee.

Ahora sí estoy totalmente preparada para la nueva serie de la 2da gen de Rina Kent. Sobre todo ya necesito saber que es de Eli y Ava 🙈 veo muchos problemas en ese futuro.

Es increíble como todos los personajes han crecido e igual me quedo con varias frases ♥️😌 las dejo más abajo si aún no han leído la serie no las lean 

Ronan is so beautiful, sometimes I stay up just to stare at him. It’s not only his physical beauty, though; it’s also his soul that speaks to me and wrenches me out of my own soul. He’s the calm after the storm. He’s the light after the darkness. He’s everything.
“I’m not. I’m just…” I release a long breath. “I can’t believe this is happening. My mind keeps sending these signals that something will go wrong, like back when we were eight or afterwards, when she didn’t remember me.” “Or maybe she’ll one day wake up and realise she deserves better than you.” “You fucking —” I’m about to punch him in the face but stop myself because I can’t have my best man with a bloodied nose. “Relax.” He smiles a little. “I was speaking from my point of view. That’s what I think Silver will do every day. It’s not a fun feeling.” I exhale deeply. “At all.”
“Hey, Remi,” Ronan calls out for his son and he comes running, jumping in his father’s arms. “Tell your mummy who loves her most in the world.” “Daddy and Remi.” “That’s right.” Ronan fist-bumps with him. “And Uncle Knox!”
Aiden: He takes her time and he’s being a little shit about it, making a face at me behind her back. Cole: I hate him a little less now. Aiden: Why the hell do you hate him? What’s wrong with my son? Cole: The fact that he’s your son. And that he keeps roaming around my Ava like a shadow. I mean it, I’m breaking his legs before he comes near her.
Elsa: Eli is weird these days. He’s always holding on to Aiden and asking him if there’s a way to make a pact of marriage. Teal: What does he even mean by a pact of marriage? Elsa: No clue, but it seems that my little boy is in a hurry. Silver: What did Aiden say? Elsa: What do you think? He supports him every step of the way and told him he’ll even take care of his Uncle Cole if he needs to. Silver: Uh-oh. I think I know where this is going. Elsa: Me, too. It won’t be pretty. Teal: But it will be fun.

Más libros que he leído 😉

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